holistic microneedling FAQs

what is holistic microneedling?

Holistic microneedling is cosmetic microneedling that incorporates traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and theory to microneedling and growth factor serums. This stimulates renewal both topically and internally. Full-body acupuncture triggers our bodies to find homestasis, creating balance and health to rejuvenate the skin. With our normal TCM diagnostic tools and assessments we can address any underlying imbalance in the body that is leading to skin manifestations. 

what makes holistic microneedling different than other facial treatments?

Unlike peels, microdermabrasion and lasers, microneedling maintains the upper keratin layer of the skin, protecting the deeper layers, leading to regeneration and improved skin integrity. 

What products do you use during the treatment?

We use Procell Labratories Growth Factor MD serum during treatment in conjunction with a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Studies show high mlecular weight hyaluronic acid, used as a slip, reduces inflammation during the treatment and healing period. Procell growth factors further promote elegant wound healing, while reducing inflammation in the skin to maximize positive results, and improved skin integrity. 

Does microneedling hurt? Will I bleed? 

With holistic microneedling we believe it doesn't have to hurt to see results (and studies are bolstering this as well). That said, sensations and pinching can be felt in certain areas. We prefer not to use a numbing cream prior to treatment because of pretoleum based ingredients in these creams, however you can request it if you are concerned about pain during the treatment. We go to a depth of about .5-1 mm. This depth does not usually reach the majority of capilaries in the dermis and does not elicit bleeding. 

what should I expect after a treatment?

Immediately after your treatment it may look and feel as though you have a moderate sunburn. Your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. You may also notice some slight swelling. These reactions are normal and should diminish within a couple hours, and will normally subside completely the same day or within 24 hours.

What can I use on my face after a treatment?

You will be given two small vials of Procell Growth Factor serums to use as often as possible for first 48 hours after your treatment. We want to supplement the skin with product while the micro channels are present. During this time we also recommend including the use of pure plant distilled hydrosols as these can be soothing to the skin. Use tepid water for the first 24 hours after treatment to rinse your face. After 24 hours, use a gentle cleanser and resume a gentle skincare regime. Always make sure your hands are clean when touching the treated area. 

What should i not use on my face after a treatment?

Do not use oil-based products for 48 hours after your treatment. Use only the growth factor serums provided as well as hydrosols to moisturize the skin. It is not recommended to apply make-up or sunscreen for 24 hours after treatment. For sun protection, use physical barriers such as hats or scarves. It is best to avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 48 hours, though going as long as possible without sun exposure is ideal. Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment. For at least 3 days post-treatment, refrain from the use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acids, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C serums or anything percieved as "active" skincare. 

how often should I get microneedling done?

Results from a session will build over four weeks after a session. A series of 3-4 microneedling sessions scheduled 4-6 weeks apart is recommended for maximum results. Most patients find doing a microneedling session quarterly or three times a year to be great for radiant skin.  

What is red Led light therapy?

We finish each session with medical grade Red LED light therapy to improve cell regeneration, collagen production and healing.